Invite a Grownup

Grownups visited classrooms at Penderlea School on Friday, November 22, where they had the chance to eat lunch with students and engage in the day's lessons. As they participated in the lessons, they gained insight into how teachers actively engage students with the curriculum, using creative and interactive methods to capture their attention. The visitors also learned valuable tips on how they can support student learning at home, discovering ways to reinforce what kids are learning in school through simple activities and discussions. The experience offered a unique opportunity to see education in action and build stronger connections between home and school.

Invite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a GrownupInvite a Grownup