Please see important events and happenings for this week at Penderlea!
Teacher appreciation week is May 6th through May 10th, and we plan to celebrate our teachers all week long! Please show your child's teacher how much you appreciate them. We will also have spirit week during this time to celebrate our hard working teachers.
Monday May 6th: Wear your teacher's favorite color
Tuesday May 7th: Opposite Day! Teachers dress like the students, students dress like their favorite teacher
Wednesday May 8th: Western Day: Wear your favorite school appropriate western wear.
Thursday May 9th: Treat Day! Bring your teacher a special treat.
Friday May 10th: Sunglasses Day: Our teachers shine bright, so wear your sunglasses!
MCLASS will begin this week, on Monday April 29th. This is an important assessment that assists us in determining foundational reading skills. Please ensure your child is present and on time for school.
Transition/Moving Up Night is coming up on May 8th. We will have 2 sessions, one from 4:00-4:45 and another at 4:45-5:30. Come find out important information about your child’s upcoming grade level. Snacks will be provided.
Athletic Banquet is May 17th from 5pm-7pm. Your athlete was given a paper Thursday with the information. Please RSVP and pay for extra plates by May 3rd. You do not need to pay for the athletes, just anyone else that would like to eat. Eating is not required to attend.
I would also like to thank all of the parents who helped make our 8th grade dance such an amazing event. It was indeed a magical night, because of you!