Hello Penderlea Families,

The link below is a very important document  for parents of bus riders. Your completion of this form will ensure that your child has a seat on the bus for the upcoming school year. Understanding that we begin the new year so quickly, it is even more imperative that we get all students signed up now. 


Transition/Moving Up Night is coming up on May 8th. We will have 2 sessions, one from 4:00-4:45 and another at 4:45-5:30. Come find out important information about your child’s upcoming grade level.

Again this year, we are selling candy apples to be delivered the week of EOG’s. Send your student a candy apple to help keep their mind fresh and crisp! All students were sent home with an order form. They are due back by April 30th and proceeds go towards our Penderlea Beta Club! Thank you for your support!

Thursday May 2nd is the last day of Communities in Schools after school

April 24th will be the end of after school tutoring. Thank you to the amazing teachers who went the extra mile to ensure our students are excelling and growing. 

Morning Car Lane reminders:

  1. When entering the campus to drop off your child/children, please enter at the entrance beside the old auditorium building.  If you have someone else dropping off your child, please let them know of this procedure.

  2. Please remember to sign your child in at the main office if you arrive after the adults have already entered the building. The door is locked once the last adult enters the building at 7:45 a.m.  Thank you.

Afternoon Car Lane reminders:

  1. If you arrive to pick your child up and there are not any adults outside, please enter the building and you will be directed to sign them out.

  2. The car lane starts loading cars at approximately 2:50-2:55.  The lane has been finishing up between 3:05-3:10.  Please plan to arrive prior to this time.

EOG dates are: Math : May: 14th

                          Reading: May 16th

    (5th and 8th)  Science: May 21

The 8th grade dance will be Saturday April 27th…stay tuned for more information

DRESS CODE: Please make sure to monitor what your child is wearing to school. Shorts must be long enough to reach the fingertips, no spaghetti straps or revealing clothing will be allowed. No pajamas are allowed, unless on a special occasion or schoolwide pajama day. Students found in violation of the dress code will be sent home.

That is all for our announcements this week, have a wonderful weekend!