Hello Penderlea families
We are looking forward to our students return to school tomorrow morning and trust that all had a restful break with friends and family.
Picture day will be on April 2nd.. Your child’s teacher will be sending home more information this week. Please also remember this will be a short week with students being out on Friday for the Easter holiday.
FCA will meet on March 26th. This is open to all middle school students. Those not participating in a sport will need to go home via thei regular transportation and return at 5:30. Pickup will be at 6:30 pm.
Volleyball tryouts will be held on March 25th and 26th. All students who wish to try out must have a current physical on file. Students are asked to sign up outside of Mrs. Graham’s classroom.
The deadline for reassignment requests for the 24-25 school year is March 31st.
Any student who wishes to attend a school outside of his or her school zone must fill out an application.
That is all for this week’s announcements. Have a wonderful evening.