Happy Friday Penderlea Families!
Please see this week's messages Basketball tryouts will begin after Christmas (date TBD). Sign up sheet is outside Mrs Milam’s door (Room 201). Please make sure you have a current physical and are academically eligible. |
Our last FCA meeting for 2023 will be held Tuesday Dec 5th at 4:30pm. We will be having a Christmas Celebration! All middle school students are welcome to attend. For those students that are not playing soccer who would like to stay for FCA they can stay after school with nurse Bain for a study hall until FCA starts at 4:30pm. All students will need to be picked up at 5:30pm. Our students will be taking their Middle of Year mClass assessments next week beginning Tuesday December 5th through December 12th Please make sure your child is present, on time rested and has had a good breakfast. These measures are important as they allow us to determine if your child is making adequate gains in reading and help us to design and adapt instruction to student needs. Our band students will participate in the Burgaw parade 6:30 pm on Saturday December 9th Please come and support our students I would also like to remind parents that attendance is absolutely critical to student success. Please make appointments and trips outside of school hours and avoid early pick ups when at all possible. We truly need every minute of the day for instruction. That is all for this week's announcements, have an amazing weekend! |