Invite a Grown-Up Day is this Friday, November 17th! You will get to visit your child’s classroom for an activity and also join them for lunch! Please see the flyer for grade level times, we are looking forward to seeing everyone! |
We will have home soccer games on November 16th and 20th. The girls game will begin at 3:30pm and the boys game will immediately follow. Gate fee is $5 for school age children and older. Pender High Booster passes do work for our home games. Come out and support our Hornets! |
Middle School Science Olympiad Practice will be on Tuesday and Wednesday until 4:00. |
Attention current 8th grade parents and guardians...Pender Early College High School information.
Our 8th grade students will attend the Pender County Schools Career fair this Friday, November 17th at Heide Trask. There will be no permission slip sent home, please contact your child's teacher if you do not want them to participate. |
This is the last call for our flu clinic for middle school. The Pender County Health Dept. will be administering the flu vaccine on Nov 16th to those students who have a signed consent form. If you would like for your middle school student to receive the flu vaccine please contact Nurse Bain for a consent form. |
National Career Development Month Spirit Week: November 13-17 Monday 11/13: Your Future is Bright Day! Wear sunglasses (not in classrooms or on the stairs) and bright clothes. Tuesday11/14: Future College Shirt Day! Wear your future college shirt. Wednesday 11/15: Professional Day. Dress for a job interview. Thursday 11/16: Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher Day! Friday 11/17: Dress For your Future Career! |
Parents and Guardians: We have attached a Student Perception Survey for the Fall of 2023. We would like to get feedback from our K-8 *students on how they feel about their Health and Safety while at school. We would like to use this information in our School Improvement Planning. No names will be attached to the data. It will simply be shared with percentages indicating yes, no, or not sure. As their parent or guardian, please review the questions. If you are okay with them submitting the survey, please allow them to answer the questions and then submit the google form. I have set it up so that it can be filled out more than once (for families with multiple children). Please let me know if you have any questions. Please only submit one per student. I have also posted it on the Pender County App. Thank you for your time. Mrs. Burdette :) |
Weekly Message 11.13.23
November 13, 2023