Pumpkin Image by brgfx on Freepik

Hello Penderlea Families,

Happy Friday!

We are seeing a rise in the number of students going home with flu like symptoms.

If your child has had a fever he or she must remain out of school for 24 hours or until fever free without the use of fever reducing medication.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated please contact our school nurse for specific health related questions.

Please see details below regarding the flu clinic

Consent forms for our upcoming flu clinic for middle school were sent home last week. Please return those as soon as possible if you wish for your student to get their flu vaccine at school. This is ONLY for middle school students. If your child did not bring a consent form home and you would like for them to get the flu vaccine please contact Nurse Bain so another form can be sent home. Only those students who have a consent form signed by a guardian will get the flu vaccine. 

Again, please remember that Beta students are completing the Students Against Hunger Campaign that helps support the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. Donations can be non-perishable foods, cases of water, paper or plastic cutlery, paper products, toiletry items, etc. Items that are glass, require a refrigerator/ freezer, and baby food, can not be accepted. Donations can be sent to your students' homeroom teacher until November 27th. The class with the most donations will receive a doughnut party! Thank you for helping our Beta Students support this important cause!

Penderlea Beta Club is also selling pasta as a fundraiser to help them continue to attend state and national events as well as supporting our community! The last day to purchase is Monday, October 30th. Pasta can be purchased through a Beta Club Student, in the office, or online via the link on the Penderlea facebook announcement. Thank you so much for supporting our Beta students!

That is all for this week, have a restful and safe weekend!