Congratulations to Madison Brewington and Lillian Rousey on their recognition by the Pender County School Board!!
over 2 years ago, Christie Brown
PECHS students recognized by our school board!
PECHS student recognition
PECHS student recognition
PECHS student recognition
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!!
over 2 years ago, Christie Brown
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!!
over 2 years ago, Christie Brown
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
Mrs. King's Bio Lab!
IT'S ALIVE!!! - Here Comes The Bus is online! 🚍New to the system? Here Comes The Bus is an easy-to-use website and app that allows parents to see the location of their child's school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or pc. English Spanish
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
here comes the bus
Flame Test in Chemistry with Mr. Walles!!
over 2 years ago, Christie Brown
Chemistry with Mr. Walles!!
Chemistry with Mr. Walles!!
Chemistry with Mr. Walles!
Chemistry with Mr. Walles!
Congrats to Principal Christie Brown and her staff at Pender Early College High School on being 100% fully staffed with certified employees. 2022-23 is shaping up to be a great school year #PCSPride 👏👏👏
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
Congrats to Principal Christie Brown and her staff at Pender Early College High School on being 100% fully staffed with certified employees. 2022-23 is shaping up to be a great school year #PCSPride 👏👏👏
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
Join Sheriff Cutler and our SROs in a Back to School Community Chat. Come see us on August 16, 2022 from 6PM - 8PM at Topsail High School or August 18, 2022 from 6PM - 8PM at Heide Trask Sr. High School.
over 2 years ago, Pender County Schools
School Safety & Drug Awareness Event Flyer
Because of COVID-19 rules, many families have not completed free and reduced-price school meals applications. Making sure they are turned in by Aug 31 will help ensure families are ready for the fall, and eligible for Summer P-EBT benefits! Learn more
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
SAVE THE DATE - Open House dates are set for the 2022-23 school year, don't let them sneak up on you. #PCSPride 📅
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
open house
Important information regarding PECHS open house!!
over 2 years ago, Abby Robbins
Pender Early College Open House Information!!!
Pender Early College Open House: Thursday, August 4th Returning students: 3-5pm New Students: 5-7pm. First day of school: August 8th!!
over 2 years ago, Abby Robbins
OH WHAT A NIGHT - A few snaps from the 2021-22 May graduation ceremony for Pender Early College High School. 🎓🎓🎓🎓 #PCSPride 👏👏👏
over 2 years ago, Bob Fankboner
pechs graduation
pechs graduation
pechs graduation
pechs graduation
PECHS students recognized at Cape Fear Community College Student Recognition Ceremony!! Jordyn Reuter received the Special Recognition Award for outstanding service in Phi Theta Kappa. Seth Savage received the Special Recognition Award for outstanding academic achievement in Pender Early College High School.
over 2 years ago, Christie Brown
CFCC Recognitions!
CFCC Recognitions
Parents/Guardians, the PTA will host its next meeting today. They do so much to support our staff and our students, we really encourage you to be a part of this important group. Thanks Today, April 14th, 7pm PTA link is below
almost 3 years ago, Christie Brown
As the 2022 Statewide Primary is nearing (May 17), a reminder that the distribution or display of political materials is prohibited.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
voting reminder
Prom tickets are on sale!!! Please see Ms. Robbins or Ms. Grable to get your prom tickets! Prom is on April 23rd. Prices for tickets go up after April 1st.
almost 3 years ago, Abby Robbins
EL TIEMPO SE ESTÁ ACABANDO - Hay muchas oportunidades de becas para los estudiantes de último año que se gradúan este año. Aquí hay un enlace a algunas becas que podrían poner dinero en sus bolsillos para continuar su educación.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
scholarship opportunities spanish
TIME IS RUNNING OUT - There are plenty of scholarship opportunities out there for graduating seniors. Here's a link to just few that could put money in your pockets to continue your education.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
scholarship opportunies
CLASS OF 2022 - Two spring open house events are scheduled for next week at Cape Fear Community College. Now's the time to sign up and secure your spot and take charge of your future.
almost 3 years ago, Bob Fankboner
cfcc open house