The Navy visits PECHS!
The Navy visits PECHS!
The Navy visits PECHS!
The Navy visits PECHS!
The Navy visits PECHS!!
"Quote of the Week"
That’s a wrap! The Listening & Learning Series is in the books. Dr. Breedlove has visited 19 schools, the last being Pender Early College - a national Blue Ribbon school with a 100% graduation rate. Thank you for a great visit! #PCSPride
Join us today in celebrating our amazing media coordinators who instill a love and passion for reading in our students!
"Quote of the Week"
Phoebe Salzano job shadowed this week at GE with her dad, Dario Salzano, and she got to meet Miss America!
Congratulations to Sidney Herring for winning 3rd place in the 2023 Cape Fear Community College Student Art Show!!
"Quote of the Week"
Sidor's Class conducts a mock trial!!
Sidor's Class conducts a mock trial!!
"Quote of the Week"
PECHS would like to thank Olivia Dawson, the Mayor of Burgaw, for speaking to our students!!
Congrats to Madison Buff for placing 2nd in Forestry!!
Congrats to Elli Casey and Madison Buff for placing 6th in Flight!!
Keep up the great work!!
#PECHS Rocks
A special thank you to the 2023 PECHS Science Olympiad Team for representing our school!!
"Quote of the Week"
"Quote of the Week"