Tuesday is a Teacher Workday, there is no school for students.
Report Cards go home this Wednesday. 3-5 grade report cards will look different this nine weeks due to our transition to Infinite Campus. Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions.
Our 3-5 students will be taking the NC Math Check In this Thursday. We will be looking at how well the students have been learning the math standards thus far. This data will be used to determine instructional support.
Please review our School Improvement Plan by clicking on the following link. MCES SIP Review. A more detailed plan is located on our Malpass Corner website for you to view as well.
Don’t forget if you haven’t completed the Pender County Schools strategic plan survey it is still available on our FB page and website.
Mark your calendars: November 11th is Veteran’s Day and there will be no school for staff or students, November 15th will be a popcorn Friday and November 25th and 26th we will be hosting our School Family Thanksgiving meal-more information coming soon!
11/3/24 Weekly Eagle News
November 3, 2024