• Pender County will experience the partial solar eclipse which will begin at approx. 1:59 pm and be at its maximum at 3:15 pm and end at approx. 4:28 pm. Pender County Schools will be on a regular schedule on Monday, April 8, 2024. In recognition of the event, we will be teaching our students about the solar eclipse and other astronomical events that occur on a yearly basis. While we will work to share this as an educational opportunity for our students, we recognize that many of our students will be leaving school for dismissal and will be home as the eclipse reaches its maximum coverage.  As such, we want our students to be aware that it is never advisable to look at the sun directly during a solar eclipse without wearing proper eye safety equipment. For more information about safety during a partial solar eclipse please visit Nasa’s website Additionally, NASA provides an Eclipse Explorer which will allow you to see when and where the partial solar eclipse will affect any zip code in North America   Once again, we are looking forward to Monday’s eclipse.  Malpass Corner will be on a regular schedule on Monday, April 8, 2024. 

  • This Tuesday our 3-5 students will be completing the NC Math Checkins and on Thursday, they will complete NC Reading Checkins.  

  • This Tuesday we will have students saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing at the 6:00 Board of Education Meeting.

  • This Thursday our Robotics team will be competing at Heide Trask HIgh School from 4-7.  Let’s wish them good luck!

  • Lastly, Friday Pender County will be hosting the Special Olympics at Heidi Trask HIgh School.  Let’s wish our Special Olympians a wonderful day!