Malpass Corner Elementary
  • This week we are celebrating our bus drivers!  Thank you for getting our Eagles to school safely everyday!  We could not do our jobs without you!   

  • This week is CTE Spirit Week

Monday-wear hat-”Hats off to CTE,” Tuesday-wear your fishing gear-”Get Caught up with CTE,” Wednesday-wear hearts for CTE-”I love CTE Day,” Thursday-wear college, career or military shirt-”Enrolled, Enlisted, Employed Day,” Friday-wear CTE colors-”CTE Rocks”

  • This week, students who are eligible will participate in the ACCESS testing.  

  • This Friday our Super Soaring Eagles will participate in a Super Soaring Eagle Day during specials!  Thank you, Eagles for SOARing!

  • This Friday is also a popcorn Friday!  $1 for regular popcorn and $2 for a Valentine popcorn mix.