Malpass Corner Elementary
  • This week we will celebrate National Career Development Month Spirit Week.  On Monday YOUR FUTURE IS BRIGHT DAY! - Wear Bright Clothes and Sunglasses.   Tuesday FUTURE COLLEGE SHIRT DAY! - Wear your future college shirt!  Wednesday is PROFESSIONAL DAY - Dress for a job interview!  Thursday is DRESS LIKE YOUR FAVORITE TEACHER DAY and Friday is DRESS FOR YOUR FUTURE CAREER DAY!
  • Progress reports will go home this Tuesday.  

  • MCES and our Cafeteria are inviting you to have a Thanksgiving meal with us this Friday.  This will be during your child’s regular lunch time.  An invitation will be coming home and we ask that you return it to your child’s teacher so that we can plan on how many meals to serve.  

  • This Friday will also be a Popcorn Friday.  Popcorn is $1.