- This Monday is a mandatory workday for staff, no school for students.
Our final week in the Month of Awareness is Red Ribbon Week for drug use prevention. Pledging to remain drug, alcohol and tobacco free gives you a great path towards future success as these substances can have an adverse effect on your health, growth and mental state. Help us bring awareness by wearing a red ribbon or red shirt this week.
The Dental Van will be at Malpass, October 23-November 30. Please complete the form that was sent home and turn into the school nurse. If you have questions you may reach the dental van at 910-279-3204.
The last day to purchase Boo Grams is Tuesday the 24th. Boo Grams will be sent home Thursday the 26th.
This Tuesday, Cub Scouts will be coming to talk with our students during their lunch periods. If you are interested in signing your child up for Cub Scouts, we will have a parent sign up night Wednesday, October 25th from 5:30-6:30.
Lastly, this Friday PTO will host a Popcorn Friday. Popcorn is $1. At this time, PTO is accepting cash or change only. Also, this Friday 1st quarter report cards will be sent home.
10/22/23 Weekly Eagle News
October 22, 2023