Malpass Corner Elementary
  •  As we continue our Month of Awareness, we start Bullying Prevention Awareness week. Bullying can come in many forms, including actions or words targeted at a person or group to make them feel bad or cause harm. It’s important that all students and staff members treat each other with respect and kindness. Speaking up and being a friend to those being bullied is a great way to show support. If you have an orange outfit or ribbon this week, please wear it to help us support Bullying Prevention. 

  • Dental Van, October 23-November 30, complete form and turn into school nurse, the dental van number 910-279-3204

  • For 4th grade students who are eligible, they will be participating in the RtA test this Wednesday.  

  • PTO will be selling Boo Grams beginning this week and lasting through October 24th.  Boo Grams will be sent home on the 26th.