Congratulations to our DREAMKeeper of the Week, Ms. Ocker! "Ms. Ocker has jumped into being a Titan with enthusiasm and dedication! She works hard every day to be the best teacher she can be for her students."
over 1 year ago, Heide Trask High School
Ms. Ocker teaching in her math classroom.
Congratulations to our Titans of the Week! 9th: Taliyah James Taliyah is a kind, hardworking young lady who maintains excellent grades and is helpful to her classmates. 10th: Aaron Williamson Aaron did a great job last week showing honesty and initiative. Keep living the Titan DREAM! 11th: Logan Fennell Logan is an all-around great student who is always happy to assist those around her. She's very active in the school and always happy to help! 12th: Jeremiah Johnson Jeremiah has shown a lot of growth since entering HTHS and is finishing his senior year strong! He is working hard in his classes, asking questions, and following through with assignments. He is respectful to all and always has a quick smile. Keep following the Titan DREAM principles as you move forward in life. Good job, Jeremiah!
over 1 year ago, Heide Trask High School
A. Williamson
J. Johnson
L. Fennell
T. James HTHS has an athletic trainer position available attached with a stipend. If interested please let Coach Howell know and apply for the position using the above link.
over 1 year ago, Heide Trask High School
job opportunity
Best of luck to our HTHS Science Olympiad team as they compete against 2,000+ students at the state competition on April 21st at NC State University. Special shoutout to Mrs. Ash & Mrs. Croson! You all make Titan Town Proud!
over 1 year ago, Heide Trask High School
good luck to science olympiad team at state competition
Here is your Weekly Titan Athletics Update provided by Coach Howell and Mrs. Richardson. Have a question about Titan athletics? Feel free to contact Coach Howell via email.
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Titans Weekly Schedule for Week fo 4/17
Join us in celebrating Military Spirit Week from April 17th through the 21st.
almost 2 years ago, Pender County Schools
Military Spirit Week  Agenda
Congratulations to our Titans of the Week! 9th: Adriana Hernandez-Lopez (Not Pictured) Adriana comes in with a positive attitude and is always willing to help. She has been a leader to her group and helps other students to better understand the material. It has been such a wonderful semester having her in my class. 10th: Lucas Holtslander Lucas is a great student. He always does his work and turns in all his assignments on time. He embodies all of Heide Trasks DREAM principles. Keep up the good work Lucas! 11th: Donovan Bellamy Donovan was nominated twice! He excels in all areas of his classes and takes the time to help out other students in his CTE courses. He comes to school every day with a positive attitude and willingness to work. Donovan is a kind, smart, funny student who always completes his work in a timely manner and to the best of his ability. He has a bright future ahead of him! 12th: Natalie Wolset Natalie is always ready, willing, and able to accomplish tasks and goals. She is kind and works with classmates in good spirits. She is a valuable asset to her classmates and teachers!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Donovan Bellamy
Lucas Holtsander
Natalie Wolset
Congratulations to our DREAMkeeper of the week, Mrs. Yates! Mrs. Yates advocates for students and our staff with grace. She is a woman with a plan! Student services would be lost without her!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Mrs. Yates
Included below is the Titan Weekly Athletic Schedule for 4/10-4/14. Special thanks to Coach Howell and Mrs. Richardson for this update.
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Titans Weekly Schedule 4/10-4/14
The HTHS Marching Band will be having a Car Wash on April 29th! Come out and support the band!
almost 2 years ago, Cape Fear Middle Band/General Music
Car wash
ATTENTION HTHS SENIORS & PARENTS: HTHS will host a celebration and awards night for Seniors on May 18, 2023. Seniors, please bring your college acceptance, scholarship, or enlistment letters to the guidance office, so we can recognize you!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
awards night on may 18
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." ~John Quincy Adams Happy National Assistant Principals Week to HTHS' amazing AP leaders, Ms. Daniels and Mr. Cox! We're beyond lucky to have you in Titan Town!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
happy national AP week. Daniels and Cox!
It's finally here! Prom tickets are on sale. See below for the details.
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
HTHS Prom Tickets are now on sale.
Congratulations to our Titans of the Week! 9th: Graham Yates Graham is extremely accountable. He has excellent attendance and shows up every day with his work completed. He actively participates in the classroom, asks great questions, and is always willing to help his classmates when they need it. Graham is a very responsible, mature, and compassionate young man who is on the path to great success in whatever he chooses in life. 10th: Viviana Balesca Ramos (not pictured) Viviana is very organized, always prepared for class and always has a positive attitude. 11th: Trinity Thompson Trinity is always helping those around her, works well in every group that she is in, and has a positive attitude every day she walks into class. She is a leader in the classroom and has a bright future ahead of her. 12: Diego Villalobos Diego is a great student who always goes above and beyond to help both his classmates and his teacher.
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Diego Villalobos
Graham Yates
Trinity Thompson
Congratulations to our DREAMKeeper of the Week, Mr. Rudisin! He was nominated two times. " He works tirelessly to ensure his students get the most enriching lessons and he is very passionate about teaching, even teaching extra classes. He’s always willing to share ideas and anyone who has had a conversation with him knows he is very passionate about his content and the students he teaches. Mr. Rudisin also puts a lot of time and effort into the winter and spring track teams to mentor and train young athletes. Mr. Rudisin embodies all of that of a Titan Dream Keeper!"
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Mr. Rudisin
Some teachers will make a big splash in the dunk tank at Clash of the Titans. Vote for the teacher you want to dunk by dropping a quarter into their jar at lunch! Top 3 teachers voted in will get dunked!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
dunk tank flyer
ATTENTION STUDENTS: Sign-Up Forms for Clash of the Titans Team and Partner games are in your grade-level google classrooms. These forms need to be completed before Wednesday as Clash of the Titans is next week. Let the battles begin!
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
clash of the titans
Join us today in celebrating our amazing media coordinators who instill a love and passion for reading in our students!
almost 2 years ago, Pender County Schools
National School Librarian Day Celebration
4/3/23-4/8/23 See below for this week's athletic events in Titantown. Special thanks to Coach Howell and Mrs. Richardson for providing this update.
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Titans Weekly Schedule for 4/3-4/8
Congratulations to our DREAMKeeper of the Week for 3/27-3/31, Mrs. Graham! "Mrs. Graham works tirelessly behind the scenes spending endless hours helping to coordinate activities for Flex and Unified Titans club and serves on several staff leadership teams. She & her students also do an amazing job helping all students through the Titan closet. Thanks for all your hard work!"
almost 2 years ago, Heide Trask High School
Mrs. Bailey Graham