HTHS Titans Logo

Good Evening Titan Family:

This is Mr. Tony Hudson with your weekly Heide Trask High School Update.

We would like to remind all students, especially Seniors, to check their Google Classroom for scholarships, needed surveys, and other important updates. It is key that Google Classroom is checked on a regular basis as we prepare to register for classes for the 2023-24 school year.  

Progress reports are due to be distributed to students on February 6th.  If there are any questions or concerns about your student’s academic progress or school attendance, please contact their classroom teachers or our Student Services Department.  Our staff remains ready to assist you. 

That’s all for now.  Please enjoy the rest of your evening and stay connected to our social media accounts and our school webpage for Titantown updates.

Heide Trask High School, 14328 NC Hwy 210 Rocky Point, NC 28457
