HTHS Titans Logo

A Message from Heide Trask High School

Good Evening Titan Family:

This is Mr.Tony Hudson with your weekly Heide Trask High School Update:

We hope that all families enjoyed a blessed Thanksgiving Holiday.  We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Monday, November 28th.

Interim Reports have been distributed to students.  It is important that students are focused on doing their best as the semester comes to a close.  If there are any questions or concerns regarding your student’s progress or attendance, please contact their classroom teacher or our Student Services Department.

We encourage everyone to join our Athletic Booster Club.  With Winter sports officially underway, we’ll need all of the support that we can get to ensure that our student-athletes continue to have a great experience.  Please check our Heide Trask High School Athletic Boosters Facebook page for meeting dates and upcoming events.    

That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your evening and remember to stay connected to our webpage and social media accounts for the latest Titantown news.  

Heide Trask High School, 14328 NC Hwy 210 Rocky Point, NC 28457
