HTHS Titans Logo

Good Evening Titan Family:

This is Mr. Tony Hudson with your weekly Heide Trask High School Update:

Interim reports will be distributed to students this week.   Students that have an average below 70% will be assigned to our 5th-period intervention block.  We ask that parents help us in making sure that students are in attendance for 5th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If you have questions regarding 5th period or your student’s progress,  please make contact with their classroom teachers for assistance.  

It’s Homecoming week and there’s a lot on the agenda for our students.  We encourage all of our students to participate responsibly throughout the week.  We invite our Titan alumni, supporters, and friends to celebrate with us at our Homecoming Tailgate and football game.  More information regarding the Homecoming Tailgate is available on our school website.  

That’s all for now.  Enjoy the rest of your evening, and stay connected to our webpage and social media accounts for Titantown news, fundraiser information, and upcoming events.  

Heide Trask High School, 14328 NC Hwy 210 Rocky Point, NC 28457
