On February 8, 2022, twenty-nine of Heide Trask High School’s students served as student ambassadors to give 8th graders tours of the high school to help aid their transition in the fall. Students came from Burgaw Middle School, Cape Fear Middle School, and West Pender Middle School in order to tour the school and learn about what classes will be offered. Seniors and juniors were paired up to lead groups of students throughout the school.
By giving the 8th graders a chance to see the school they will attend next year, it allows some of the stress to be alleviated from attending a new school. It allows students to learn the layout of the school and what types of classes are offered at Heide Trask High School. After the tour, the administrative team gave a presentation to allow the students the chance to meet some of the adults who will guide them throughout their high school career.
After the presentation, the 8th graders attended the HTHS elective fair. This is where students are able to learn about opportunities at Heide Trask and classes offered. This event will help these students when registering for classes, so that they know exactly what classes they are interested in.
Mattie Coclough had the opportunity to travel from Cape Fear Middle School along with her classmates. She toured the school and met some of the student ambassadors. “I thought the tour at Heide Trask was very helpful and lowered how nervous me and my peers were about going to high school,” Coclough said. The student ambassadors were able to show off Heide Trask High School to help make the 8th graders more excited about their upcoming year.