Good evening Team Titan. This is Michael Taylor, your principal, at Heide Trask High School. I am emailing this evening with our weekly updates. We appreciate our students arriving on time and ready to learn each day. Please continue to encourage our students to make good choices and be good citizens. Please look for an updated progress report coming soon. Additionally, if you do not already check PowerSchool, let us know how we can help you access the parent portal so you can always access your student’s information.
This week is School Counselors’ Week. We greatly appreciate the effort and commitment our counseling team makes to support all of our students each and every day. A big shout out to Mr. Hogan, Ms. Mangan, Mr. Reynolds, Ms. Suits and Ms. Wall. Thank you for all that you do!!
On Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022, current 9th-11th grade students will have the opportunity to attend the Elective Fair here at school. Students will learn about all of our different elective options at HTHS before making their elective choices for next school year. Encourage your student to take this opportunity seriously so they can make the best choices for next year’s classes. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the members in student services with further details.
Google classroom codes for Student Services:
9th grade: qcvartl
10th grade: 7uw3kyv
11th grade: f3gxltv
12th grade: vvnzags
Seniors if you still need to order your graduation supplies, please note you can also order anytime at
HTHS Athletic Booster Spirit Wear is available to purchase through: or contact them through or through their Facebook page. The deadline for pre-orders is Feb. 7th. Items should be in by the end of February.
BBQ Plate sales are also ongoing through Feb. 7th. $10 per plate and deliveries can be made to any location that orders ten or more plates. Check out our Facebook page for all of the details.
Please remember, if a student in your household has a Covid symptom and/or is awaiting Covid test results, stay home and contact the school nurse immediately. Nurse Chewning’s email is PCS schools nurses will follow the NC Strong Schools Toolkit in terms of exclusion from school. Decisions of isolation and quarantine dates will continue to be made by the health department.
Activities for the week: All events are subject to change due to weather or COVID-related issues!
Monday – No events scheduled
Tuesday – Elective Fair in the Aux. Gym at 10:00 am, Basketball vs Whiteville (Senior Night) beginning with Varsity Girls at 6:00 pm, PCS Bd of Ed Meeting at 6:00 pm
Wednesday – No events scheduled
Thursday – Weightlifting Competition @ Clinton beginning at 3:00 pm
Friday – Basketball vs Pender with JV beginning @ 4:30 pm