HTHS Titans Logo

Good Evening Titan Family:

This is Mr. Tony Hudson, with your weekly Heide Trask High School Update:

AP exams will start tomorrow, May 1st. Students that need to test have been notified of their testing date.  It is important that all who are testing arrive on time and prepared to do their best.

Finish the FAFSA will be held in the media center on Thursday, May 4 from 6-7 pm. The FAFSA is necessary for students to receive any financial aid, grants, and some scholarships to attend college.  Counselors and financial aid officers will be here to help you complete the FAFSA.  Please bring your social security card and 2021 tax returns, as it is required for completion. 

The Athletic Boosters will host a meeting on May 3rd at 6:00 pm.  If you're interested in supporting our Titan athletes, please join our Athletic Booster Club and be present for the meeting.    

Cape Fear Community College class registration for the fall is now open for current and rising juniors and seniors. For more information, have your student review their grade level Google Classroom for details.

Please be reminded that Wednesday, May 3rd is an early release day for students.   

That’s all for now.  Please enjoy the rest of your evening and stay connected to our social media accounts and our school webpage for Titantown updates.

Heide Trask High School, 14328 NC Hwy 210 Rocky Point, NC 28457
