Weekly Update

Tardies/Late Check-ins

We have seen an uptick in tardies.  School starts at 7:25.  Tardies result when students are not in their seats at 7:25.  Our car rider line is easily accessible and moves at a good pace.  We will be implementing a tardy policy in the near future.  At Cape Fear MS, our staff wants every opportunity to work with our students.  Being In School, On Time and Engaged everyday is why we rose to being the top school in our district for reading and math growth.  Thank you for helping us with this.  

We also want to remind everyone that if your child arrives after 8am, a parent/guardian will need to sign the student in.  

For the month of October we ended up at 94%, dropping from 96% from September.

School Pictures

A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at CFMS on 11/19/2024 to photograph your Fall Retake pictures.


This link will allow parents to sign up to receive email updates about their child's school portraits after picture day. These emails are sent to announce important things like when images are ready for viewing online, when novelty items are available for purchase and when new deals and promotions are being offered. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.

Soccer schedule - Our soccer schedule has different start times for boys and girls games.  Please review the schedule for location and start times. 

Student-Led Conferences Sign Ups

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Student-Led Conferences! This event is a wonderful opportunity for your child to take ownership of their learning and showcase their progress. In these conferences, your child will guide you through their academic journey, sharing their achievements, challenges, and goals. As the student will be leading the conference, student attendance is mandatory.

Student-Led conferences will be held between 7am and 3pm in 20 minute time slots on November 5, 2024. Snacks and drinks will be provided and you will leave the conference with a portfolio of your students' work and data. 

Student-Led Conferences are a powerful alternative to traditional parent-teacher meetings. Keep in mind that teachers will be facilitating the student-led conferences so all of your child’s teachers will not be available for parent-teacher conferences. However, you will have the opportunity to leave a comment or concern for a specific teacher and request the teacher contact you at a later time. You may leave a specific question or request a specific teacher to check in with you during the conference by indicating it on the form.  Please fill out this Google Form to reserve your time for your child’s conference. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Over the next several months, Pender County Schools will embark on creating its next strategic plan. This plan will guide our efforts over the next five years, setting a clear direction, aligning our efforts, and holding us accountable to PCS students, staff, and families. We hope that it will reflect our community’s goals for our students and inform how we prepare each student for their future. 

We know that to truly reflect the will of our community, this process must be inclusive of a wide range of perspectives. Gathering this range of perspectives starts with a survey for students, teachers, and community members.  Please take the time to provide your valuable input by filling out this survey, https://bit.ly/3zY7Ll9. Your input is valued and appreciated. 

Media Center Updates - As October comes to an end and November begins, here is a review of the activities that took place in the media center.   Over the course of the month, the media center was visited over 650 times by either classes, individual students, or recess.  

Don't forget to check out all the activities Ms. Sova is doing during the month of November.


PECHS Applications

Pender Early College High School applications were passed out during homeroom this week.  The completed application is due by January 24th.