
The Pender County Planning & Community Development Department is asking for feedback regarding the County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This plan is a 20-30 year vision that seeks to provide guidance and policies for County infrastructure, investment, growth, land use, development, and conservation. We are about 5 months into the 14-20 month process and are at a critical stage where the feedback of the citizens and those who work in the county are needed. This Community Engagement Window includes 10 meetings across the county (8 have occurred, 2 remain) and an online survey to gather feedback from those who live and work in the county to understand what the priorities and concerns are for the community.

There is an online survey for community members to give their feedback about the future of the County. As we know, this is an important moment in Pender County as we are working to facilitate infrastructure and services for a growing population as well as foster the building of a deeper sense of community.

There is an English and Spanish survey available. The survey is about 10 questions as well as a link to leave specific comments on the current Future Land Use Map that shows what the preferred development type and density is in each area of the county. The survey will be available through October 22nd. Please see the links below:

October Month of Awareness -

Flu Vaccine - We'll be partnering with the Pender County Health Department to have a flu vaccine clinic for students and staff on November 12th. Start time will be around 930AM (will depend on how it goes at CFE's clinic that morning). Students and staff are to register online by October 18th. Here are the links:

Student Flu Form - English -

Student Flu Form - Spanish -

Staff Flu Form -

Attendance Rate - 95% for the week. 6th Grade 1st at 95.28%, 7th Grade 2nd at 95.21%, 8th Grade 3rd at 95.13%


Pender County Schools transitions to Infinite Campus for Improved parent communication -

24 - 25 Opt-Out Notification Form - This link,, is an opt out form to prevent or restrict the release of certain student information.  Please read through this document.  You can print it and send it back to us if you are interested in doing that. 

School Pictures - A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be here on 10/14/2024 to photograph students for fall pictures. Included below is a link that will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.Thank you for your assistance in helping us deliver a smooth school picture experience! We look forward to seeing you soon. School Pictures Packet