Weekly Update

It’s hard to believe we are entering our last week of school.  We have a lot of activities planned for this week.  Our school field day is planned for Friday, May 24th.  Also, the 24th is a half day for students.     Parents, as we wrap up this school year, please take the time to complete this survey, CFMS Parent/Stakeholder Survey. We value your input and feedback regarding the effectiveness of CFMS

Thank you in advance for your support during our End of Grade assessments to be administered May 14 - May 21. We are confident that all students will do their best and achieve proficiency. However, if students score non-proficient, Pender County Schools will offer a remediation and readministration opportunity.  We use our EOG scores to make promotion and scheduling decisions and give input to the next grade level team and to Heide Trask HS for rising 9th graders.  If your child is not proficient on an EOG, please partner with us in allowing us to provide an opportunity to readminister the test to your child and have another chance to prove proficiency on the exam.  Attached is the Remediation/Readministration letter for you to review.  Please let us know if you have any questions.   CFMS Remediation/Readministration Letter

We are looking forward to recognizing our students during our awards days.  Please click on this link, Awards Dates, to view your grade level awards day and times. 

Please join us Monday night May 20th at 5:30 to watch our Spring Band Concert.  

Rising 7th graders are required to have a Tdap booster and one Meningitis vaccine before entering 7th grade. Please be sure to get these completed before returning next school year. Please see your primary doctor or contact the Pender County Health Department.

HTHS Summer Transition Camp, August 6th and 7th.  This is for rising 9th graders only. School tours, study skills, social skills and academic expectations will take place.  Deadline to register is July 23rd.  Here is the flier for our summer transition camp!  HTHS rising 9th grade transition camp

Parents, your feedback on our school food services by Aramark is vital! Please take a moment to complete our survey: https://bit.ly/pcs-food-23-24. Your input helps us enhance the dining experience for our students. Thank you! #ParentFeedback #SchoolFoodServices #Aramark

Communities in Schools is offering a summer camp for rising 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.  Please refer to the following flier if you are interested in your child attending their camp.  CIS Summer Camp    CIS Summer Camp  Spanish

UNC-W is hosting a Junior Seahawk Academy this summer.  This is an excellent opportunity if your child is interested in attending.  Junior Seahawk Academy