As the academic year draws to a close, the Pender County Schools Transportation Department is already gearing up for the 2024-25 school year, with meticulous plans in motion to ensure smooth bus assignments for students.
In a bid to engage parents and streamline the data collection process, the Transportation Department has crafted a Google Form available for families to complete. A link to the survey is available on the Pender County Schools district and all school websites. Parents are encouraged to submit their responses by 5:00 pm on Friday, May 10th, providing crucial insights into their child's transportation needs for the upcoming academic session.
Recognizing the diverse needs of families, particularly those without internet access, school administrators will receive transportation documents via email, formatted as letters for all students enrolled at their respective institutions. This initiative aims to provide equitable access to the survey for all families, regardless of their internet connectivity status.
The Transportation Department's commitment to inclusivity and thorough planning reflects Pender County Schools' overarching goal of fostering a safe and efficient transportation system for its students.
We have check-in testing starting April 23rd. Students will take their math check-in on April 23rd, reading check-in on April 25th and 8th graders take their science check-in on April 30th. It is very important that all students charge their chromebooks to be prepared for testing.
After-school tutoring will be available for students every week. Snacks will be provided for our students. If you are interested in having your student attend you must complete the form below. Tutoring will run from 2:30 until 4:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will need to be picked up by 4:30pm each day. As a bonus for attending tutoring, we will let students in free to home athletic events if it falls on a tutoring day. Our next home baseball and volleyball games are April 29th. Updated After School Tutoring Form
Please fill out this Saturday Tutoring Form if you would like for your child to attend Saturday Tutoring on April 27th. Please indicate if you need bus transportation after tutoring.
Our district CTE department is offering summer camp academies. This link, CTE Summer Camp Academies, provides more information if you are interested in your child attending a camp.
Free sports physicals will take place at Heide Trask HS on May 14th, 3:45pm-6pm. This is an excellent opportunity to be ready for athletics both here at CFMS and HTHS.
Parents, we wanted to bring to your attention that we will be sending out information regarding fees owed to Cape Fear MS. They are mainly chromebook repair fees and need these taken care of before moving to the next grade level.
Go Grizzlies!