
Beta Club applications are due April 26th. We want our students to take advantage of this opportunity.  There are excellent opportunities to learn leadership, cooperation and attend local, state and national competitions.   Beta Club Application

After-school tutoring will be available for students every week.  Snacks will be provided for our students.  If you are interested in having your student attend you must complete the form below. Tutoring will run from 2:30 until 4:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Students will need to be picked up by 4:30pm each day.  As a bonus for attending tutoring, we will let students in free to home athletic events if it falls on a tutoring day.  Our next home baseball and volleyball games are April 8th. Updated After School Tutoring Form

Please fill out this Saturday Tutoring Form if you would like for your child to attend Saturday Tutoring on April 13th and April 27th.  Please indicate if you need bus transportation after tutoring.

April 15-19 is Military Child Appreciation Week.  We will have a spirit week in honor of all military children.  Military Child Appreciation Week

Our district CTE department is offering summer camp academies.  This link, CTE Summer Camp Academies, provides more information if you are interested in your child attending a camp. 

The solar eclipse will be happening Monday, April 8th.  We are making you aware that our teachers may take this opportunity to have a class activity with it. We will stress the importance of not looking directly into the sun/eclipse without the use of safety glasses. Please help us in stressing this safety precaution with your child.  If you have any questions, please let us know.   

Free sports physicals will take place at Heide Trask HS on May 14th, 3:45pm-6pm.  This is an excellent opportunity to be ready for athletics both here at CFMS and HTHS.

Parents, we wanted to bring to your attention that we will be sending out information regarding fees owed to Cape Fear MS.  They are mainly chromebook repair fees and need these taken care of before moving to the next grade level.    

Go Grizzlies!

Policy 2240