The Grizzly Den December Edition
Communities in Schools of Cape Fear is excited to share the flier for their upcoming Incredible Years session at Malpass Corner Elementary from January 23rd - April 23rd on Tuesday's from 5:30-7:30pm. They will provide childcare, snacks, and dinner to send home with each family. Parents do not need to have a child at Malpass Corner Elementary in order to participate. HOP Flier HOP Flier - Spanish IY Flier
One of our goals is to partner with you to have a 95% attendance rate as a school. Our current attendance rate is 93%. We want every opportunity to teach and support your child. We have included a link that details the attendance policy, Attendance Policy. Also, check out this Every Minute Counts infographic.
We hope your students will be a part of the fun and join the more than 12,000 North Carolina students from over 750 schools that have participated in the NC Aviation Contest since 2013. The January 17 deadline for this year’s contest is just around the corner. Some students may want to work on their artwork during the upcoming holiday break. Don’t forget: Cash prizes will be awarded to the Top 3 winners in each age category and their schools and EVERY student who participates in the contest will receive a certificate of participation. Learn more about this year’s theme ("Air Sports for a Peaceful World”) at Note: Our state deadline differs from the date shown on this webpage.
Contest tips, rules, and the required Certificate of Authenticity may be found at
As a reminder, the artwork will be returned if:
· The student does not place (1st, 2nd, 3rd) at the National or International level, and
· Appropriate return packaging/mailer and postage are provided by the student or school at the time the artwork is submitted.
8th grade students and families, Pender Early College applications are due to Ms. Bowman or Ms. Miller by January 26th. If you have any questions or need an application please reach out to your school counselors.
12/18 5:30pm Winter Band Concert
12/20 11:30am Early Release Day
12/21-1/7 Winter Break
Drop in anytime on January 3rd between 8:30 am and 12pm for parent/guardian and teacher conferences and light refreshments. We are looking forward to sharing important info and data with you about your child’s progress and to set goals for the remainder of the year. Coffee and Conversations Coffee and Conversations Spanish
Here is a parent support document for Apptegy Rooms, our parent communication tool our district is using. This document has links to videos, how to guides, and website resources for supporting questions with Rooms.