Weekly Update

Progress reports will be going home on Tuesday, November 14th.  Please ask your child to present their progress report to you and follow up with our teachers and staff if you have any questions.  

We would like to invite our students and staff to participate in National Career Development Month Spirit Week. Our CTE teachers and classes are a very important part of our school.  Let's take this week to celebrate!  This is the flier for our spirit week. https://5il.co/28kvv.

Monday, November 13th: YOUR FUTURE IS BRIGHT DAY! - Wear Bright Clothes and Sunglasses.

Tuesday, November 14th: FUTURE COLLEGE SHIRT DAY! - Wear your future college shirt!

Wednesday, November 15th: PROFESSIONAL DAY - Dress for a job interview!



2023 Red Ribbon Photo Contest

Attention staff and families! We need your help to win the 2023 Red Ribbon Photo Contest. CFM participated in Red Ribbon week this year to promote being kind to our mind and staying drug free. Please help us win! Click on the link below, scroll down on the page to see the photo and please vote. You can vote once daily for our school to win. Voting ends 11/16.http://wshe.es/cYISPOof

Makeup school picture date is 11/15  This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits,https://strawbridge.fotomerchanthv.com/clients/cape-fear-middle-school/fall-retake-pictures-11-15-2023-52/optIn.  These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.

We are currently looking for both volunteers and donations for our Annual Holiday Quarter Auction. Can you help? Your contribution would help us to make the event an even greater success than in previous years. CFM PTO Quarter Auction Volunteer 

Our PTO is having a discount card fundraiser to support our students, staff and school.  If you are interested in purchasing a discount card, please click on this link.  PTO Discount Card Fundraiser

On November 17th, our 8th graders will be attending a Career Fair, Fall into your Future, at HTHS. If you want your child to opt out of the Career Fair please complete the following google form, Career Fair Opt Out: Complete by November 15.

Here is a  parent support document for Apptegy Rooms, our parent communication tool our district is using.  This document has links to videos, how to guides, and website resources for supporting questions with Rooms.

CFMS Soccer Schedule