One of our goals is to partner with you to have a 95% attendance rate as a school. While we have done well this year, we have fallen short the last couple of weeks. Our current attendance rate is 94% and 93% for the week. Attendance rate is directly related to school performance. Let us know how we can help if your child needs support, because we want every opportunity to teach and support your child.
October 23rd is a teacher workday. No school on Monday, October 23rd.
The Pender County Health Department will be providing flu vaccines to our CFM students on Monday November 6th. Permission forms were sent home with students earlier this week and must be turned in to the school nurse by October 31st.
Red Ribbon week is a nationwide campaign with the mission to prevent drug use. This week at CFM students will participate in a spirit week to encourage students to be kind to their mind and live drug free. CFM will be entering in the 2023 National Red Ribbon Week Photo Contest next week in hopes to win an iPad & $1000. Voting begins on November 2nd, more information will be shared on how to vote for our school. Red Ribbon Week Flier
Parents, when your child is arriving after 8am, you have to come in and sign your child in at the main office.
Our PTO is having a discount card fundraiser to support our students, staff and school. If you are interested in purchasing a discount card, please click on this link. PTO Discount Card Fundraiser
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics NCSSM Pender County Middle Schools Evening Virtual Program
Tuesday, October 24 · 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 574-221-0077 PIN: 787 330 751#
Makeup school picture date is 11/15 This link will allow parents to sign up to receive updates via email regarding their child's school portraits, These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, parents should be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.
Pender Early College High School (PECHS) is planning to do recruitment with 8th graders on Tuesday 10/31 during 8th grade elective time. This typically consists of all students being present in the gym, hearing the 20-25 minute presentation of the PECHS program. Students who are interested in learning more and applying will move to the media center to hear from current PECHS students and get more information.