We want to invite everyone to our Title 1 Curriculum night on September 21st from 5:30pm-7:00pm. You will have a chance to hear an update from Mr. Simmons about Cape Fear MS and the growth the school is making. Progress Reports will be available during this event so we can get a headstart on tracking student progress. Also, our teachers will have activities for parents and students to participate in so everyone can get an idea of activities that are taking place in the classroom.
Title 1 Curriculum Night Flyer
September is Attendance Awareness Month - One of our goals is to partner with you to have a 95% attendance rate as a school. We are well on our way to meeting this goal. Our current attendance rate is 96%. This is great news because we want every opportunity to teach and support your child.
NEW ATTENDANCE EMAIL ADDRESS. Parents, if you have doctor's notes or excuses, they can be emailed to this address, cfm_info@pender.k12.nc.us . If you send a note to this email, you do not have to send in a note with your child. We are trying to make this a smoother process and our staff will receive notification when an email is sent.
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics NCSSM Pender County Middle Schools Evening Virtual Program
Tuesday, October 24 · 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/vmj-swuf-yva
Or dial: (US) +1 574-221-0077 PIN: 787 330 751#
Cape Fear Middle School will host an after school running/track club every Thursday from 2:45 – 3:45 starting Sept. 28th. Students will take part in a variety of running, conditioning and stretching exercises to train for some local road races throughout this school year. Any runners interested should stop by Mrs. Paylor's room (8th grade hall, Room 366) and pick up a flier and a waiver form. Current athletes...this is a great way to stay in shape in-between sports! So if you can't join now, no worries, you can sign up anytime in the future and come run with us! All staff is welcome as well! Please check out this flyer, Grizzly Track Club, for more information.
Football Schedule Softball Schedule
School Pictures 10/9, Makeup school picture date is 11/15
Pender Early College High School (PECHS) is planning to do recruitment with 8th graders on Tuesday 10/31 during 8th grade elective time. This typically consists of all students being present in the gym, hearing the 20-25 minute presentation of the PECHS program. Students who are interested in learning more and applying will move to the media center to hear from current PECHS students and get more information.
Cape Fear MS is a wonderful place to work and serve and serving you is important to us and getting input is vital to help us in that regard. Please take the time to fill out this SURVEY so we can effectively serve you.
The Pender Mobile Dental Clinic is now at CFMS. The clinic provides routine and basic dental treatment to ALL interested students, parents and staff. If you would like to take advantage of the dental services they provide, call the mobile clinic at 910-471-3250 and leave your child’s name and a phone number. A form will be sent to your student or have your child pick up a form in the school office. After completing the form, please return it to your child’s homeroom teacher or the school nurse. Please be aware that every effort is made to treat your child during elective classes so they are not missing out on core class instruction. The Dental Clinic will be at CFMS through Sept. 21, 2023.
Cafeteria Information:
To view our online, interactive menu that provides information regarding nutritional facts as well as allergen information:
Parents, we ask that if you are checking in/out a student at CFM or CFE, to please exit that building and enter the other school’s front door to check in/out any additional siblings. If you are checking out your student, please do so before 2pm. Friendly Reminder: If you are dropping your student off after 8:00 a.m. you need to come in and sign your student in; you will be called back to sign them in if you don’t come in.