Cub Corner


Good evening Cub family, this is Dr. Oates with your Sunday reminders and updates.

Our Fall picture day is also scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th. Get ready to smile!

The 5th grade cast of the musical "Elfis and the Frozen Princess" will rehearse from 2:30-3:45 PM on Tuesday, October 8th. Please be sure to pick up your child on time.

A Cub Scouts representative will be available during lunch on Tuesday to speak with any interested students. The following Wednesday, from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., there will be a Cub Scout sign-up night for families in the media center.

We will have a flu clinic here at CFE on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 am. Parents if you would like your child to have a flu shot here at school that will be given by the health department you will need to fill out an online permission form. Paper copies are also available by reqeust. The health department would like all those interested to have the form completed and turned in by Friday, October 18th.

Parents this is a reminder to send in a note when your child is absent so that it can be coded correctly in our system. Also, if you child checks in late from an appointment please bring a note from the doctor or dentist office so that it will be excused.

This is a reminder if you need to change your child’s transportation arrangements, please send a note to your child’s teacher. If a change must be made by phone, please contact us by 2:00 pm to ensure we have sufficient time to inform the teacher and student before the school day ends. Additionally, there are no checkouts after 2:00pm. When signing your child out, please remain inside the office.

Remember CFE is the place to be! One Team, One Dream! Have a great rest of your evening.