Cub Corner Parent Edition

Sunday Message


Good evening Cub family, this is Dr. Oates with your Sunday reminders and updates.

"Snow Way Out" rehearsals will be Monday, November 13th and Wednesday, November 15th from 2:30-3:30 pm this week. Mrs. Kurtz will see you then.

Progress reports go home on Tuesday, November 14th. Please contact your teacher if you need to schedule a conference to discuss your child's progress.

Parents this is a reminder if your child is a car rider, they are to stay in the car until the school opens at 7:00am. This ensures students are safe and that there is proper supervision before the school day starts. Thank you for your cooperation!

Lastly, our lost and find location is overflowing with lots of clothes and lost items. Please make sure your child picks them up. Items will be donated once we leave for Thanksgiving break.

That is all of our announcements for the week. Have a great rest of your evening.

  • Lost and Found Items

    Items need to be picked up before Thanksgiving Break. Thank you.