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ROCKY POINT, NC - Rocky Point Elementary School has been awarded a special grant from the Mockingbird Foundation, a renowned all-volunteer nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting music education for children.

The Mockingbird Foundation recently unveiled a series of grants as part of its 29th Round of competitive funding, focusing on smaller requests that can make a big impact. A total of 11 grants, totaling $17,325, were disbursed, with Rocky Point Elementary receiving $1,750 to enrich its music education program.

"We are thrilled to receive this grant from the Mockingbird Foundation," said Laura Black, Music Coordinator at Rocky Point Elementary. "This funding will allow us to enhance our music curriculum and provide valuable resources for our students to explore their musical talents."

This grant comes at a crucial time as Rocky Point Elementary continues to prioritize music education as an essential component of its curriculum. With the support of the Mockingbird Foundation, the school aims to create enriching musical experiences that inspire creativity and foster a lifelong love for music among its students.

"We are grateful to the Mockingbird Foundation for their generosity and commitment to music education," added Principal April Perkins. "This grant will undoubtedly make a significant difference in the lives of our students, and we look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have."

With this latest grant, the Mockingbird Foundation has now awarded over 675 grants nationwide, totaling more than $2.3 million, all thanks to the generous support of Phish fans.