WINSTON-SALEM, NC - Pender County Schools Curriculum & Instructional Management Coordinator (CIMC) Denise Pollock was recognized as the Southeast Regional CIMC of the Year during the Career and Technical Education state conference luncheon in Winston-Salem.
Ms. Pollock has a long history of involvement in CTE. She was on the state Performance Based Measurement Data Team, which is responsible for collecting and analyzing data on CTE programs. She also completed her first year of CTE Administration Internship this past year. In addition, she served as the SE Region CIMC Vice President for the 2022-2023 school year and will be the President for the 2023-2024 school year.
“She has done some amazing work this year and has really stepped up as a leader in the region and state,” said Dominique Bates, Pender County Schools Director of Career & Technical Education.” Next year she will serve as the regional CIMC president as well”
Ms. Pollock was presented with the award by Regional Coordinator Amanda Dixon, State CIMC Consultant Misty Wolfe, and State CTE Director Trey Michael.
"Denise is a dedicated and passionate advocate for CTE," said Dixon. "She is a tireless worker who is always willing to go the extra mile. She is a true asset to our district, region, and state,” said Bates.