Driver's Education

Pender County School system offers Driver Education at a cost of $65.00 for all students who attend a public, private, home, or charter school in the Pender County District. Our goals are to provide students with a high quality driver education program that will provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to become a safe driver.

Available Classes

Classes will be scheduled throughout the year. If you do not see a class available for your high school please pre-register your student to receive emails for upcoming classes. Pre-registration links for all Highs Schools can be found under Pre-Registration.

Don't see an available class at your school? Pre-register to make sure you receive upcoming information


Use the google form in the Pre-Registration links below to receive upcoming driver education class information. Pre-Registration is not required to be able to register for one of our drivers education courses. Parents can pre-register their child before they turn 14 1/2, however, you are required to be 14 years and 6 months old by the first day of class to actually register for a class.

Completing the pre-registration form does not register you for a class. Pre-registration allows you to receive emails about upcoming classes only.

High School Driver's Education Pre-Registration Forms

What is Driver Education

  • Driver Education is an integral part of the Graduated Licensing Process and required in North Carolina for a student to obtain a learner’s permit or driver’s license before the age of 18. The driver education program is administered through Pender County Schools, and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and offered at each high school.

  • A course of study for students ages 14 years and 6 months to 18 that teaches the techniques of driving a vehicle as well as safety precautions and traffic regulations and laws.

Driver Education Requirements

  • Must attend a school in Pender County Schools District public, private, home or charter

  • Must be 14 years and 6 months on or before the first day of class

  • Must Register for class online

  • Must attend the Mandatory Parent meeting

  • Must complete 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of behind the wheel instruction


  • Classes are held at all PCS High Schools. Classes during the school year are held after school and sometimes Saturdays. We also offer classes during the summer and sometimes over school breaks.

  • Students must attend all 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the State .

  • Students / Parents should pre-register using the link for their school to receive information about upcoming classes.

  • Once class dates are scheduled an email will be sent out to all that have pre-registered. The registration link to sign up for that class will be in the email. Parents must use the link in the email to register students for class.

Behind the Wheel

Once students successfully complete 30 hours of class instruction they will be called by one of our certified instructors to drive. Students are driven from oldest to youngest. Students will complete 6 hours of behind the wheel driving and 6 hours of in the car observation.

Driver's License Eligibility

  • Complete a Driver's Education Course

  • Get a "Driver's Eligibility Certificate" from the front office

    • This Certificate states that students are academically eligible to get their permit

    • Must have passed 70% of classes the previous grading period.

    • Certificate is good for 30 Days from issuance

  • Pass Vision, Signs and Written test at DMV

  • Complete required Driving logs

  • Maintain grades:

    • Academic eligibility will be assessed after each grading period

      • Students must pass 70% of classes.


Contact Information

Melissa Yarborough - Driver Education Assistant Coordinator


For Driver Eligibility Certificates please contact the High School your student attends.