School History
West Pender School was erected in 1957 and opened as an elementary school in 1958. It later became a middle school after some transitioning among district lines and the opening of a new elementary school. West Pender Middle School is located in Burgaw, NC and currently serves the communities of Atkinson, Burgaw, Ivanhoe, Rocky Point, Watha, Willard and Currie; however, it remains the smallest middle school in Pender County. It is a Title 1 school with 81% of our students currently receiving free or reduced-price lunches. West Pender serves a diverse population of students comprised of 41% African American, 37% Caucasian, 16% Hispanic and 5% Other. Our students are served by a total of 35 staff members including administrative, instructional, itinerant and support personnel. In 2015, West Pender was recognized as exceeding student growth in test scores and achieving Model School PBIS status.
WPMS Vision and Mission