New Enrollment

Welcome To Topsail High School!

We are excited that your student will become a member of our Pirate Family!

Following the process below will help us make the transition to THS as efficient as possible.

Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year will open June 1st.

*Please Review All Information Before Completing Enrollment Documents*

Complete the enrollment forms and upload required documents.

Pirate mascot

The records from the previous school are necessary to enroll your student in the most appropriate courses.

Please note that if your student has an IEP they cannot be placed in courses until the IEP has been reviewed by EC Staff.

Enrollment Appointments can be scheduled once we have all documents including the Pender County Schools Transfer Affidavit.

  • Once enrollment documents have been approved: You will be contacted.

    • THS will request transcripts from the previous school or record of High School credits from Middle School.

    • New Students wishing to participate in athletics must be officially enrolled as a student and have a current physical form filled out by a doctor.

Mid-Year Enrollment Process (September - May)

Complete the enrollment forms and upload required documents: The records from the previous school are necessary to enroll your student in the most appropriate courses. Please allow at least a week for the records to be sent to THS. (*Please note that if your student has an IEP they cannot be placed in courses until the IEP has been reviewed by EC Staff.) Once enrollment documents have been approved: You will be contacted.

What does THS have to offer?

Like Top Sail High School on Facebook

Graduation Requirements

9th Grade Course Request Sheet

10th Grade Course Request Sheet

11th Grade Course Request Sheet

12th Grade Course Request Sheet

2021-2022 Course Catalog

*Please note that not all courses are offered every year for all grade levels, you can use the request sheets above to see what options are available for the school year.

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Pirate Athletics

Or Visit our THS Main Page and check out our Social media feed and Pirate Post

If you are a Military Family looking to Join our Pirate Family, please visit our Military Family Resource Page.

Virtual Tour